My class at Pitzer begins at 8:10 am. To walk here, from my apartment, takes approximately 25 minutes. And yet, I walk out of my door every morning at 7:30 am on the dot, giving myself almost twice the time I need. I do this to avoid jaywalking.
You may be thinking, "Wait, I jaywalk. Everybody does it. I mean sure, it's technically illegal, but it's really just frowned upon. And how many streets to you have to cross that this could be an issue?"
I cross two streets (to get to a corner), and there are rarely drivers, much less inattentive speeding cars. The traffic lights are probably run on timers or by some formula based on city planning. There are pedestrian buttons, but I'm not sure how much I believe in their effectiveness.
The reason I leave so early, and the reason I do not jaywalk, has to do with my intention for focus, mindfulness, and attention in everything I do-- including the mundane.