Saturday, September 2, 2017

Free Printable Watercolor Binder/Notebook Covers!

Happy new school year! Is that a thing? We should make it a thing. Whatever, I love the new academic year. The new school year is filled with new opportunities and pretty sketch notes and new planners. (As you can tell, I'm not exactly a party girl).

I am of the firm belief that making your notes and academic supplies visually appealing makes everything better. When I get in a rut, whatever the cause, becoming inspired is one of my favorite tricks for pulling myself out. I love to engage my inner child, even if-- and especially when-- my college academic self is struggling with work and feeling overwhelmed.

Recently, in a procrastination/academic overwhelm rut, I designed a few binder/notebook covers to inspire me to get organized. I had papers stuffed into random folders and print-outs that I probably needed to read but where's my to-do list why is none of this labeled and-- well, you get the idea. I needed to file my papers and assignments in some sort of system, which I decided early on was going to be a binder system. I had my college ruled note paper, my three hold punch, and a couple of very plain binders.

So, with photoshop, creative commons image search, and a good bit of focused procrastination, I designed some printable binder covers. As it happened, once I printed them out and wrote in my class titles, I was halfway done with my organization project.

To save you all some time and creative stress, I am uploading my designs here. Or, click the images below and save to your computer, where you can edit it or print it and handwrite (as I did). If you use any of my designs, link back to my blog.

Happy new school year!!

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