2 years ago today I participated in a photo project called the What I Be Project. The project aimed to display the model's biggest insecurity literally written on them. I signed up for a photo slot when Steve Rosenfield, the photographer, came to Pomona College. I saw it as a huge success, and some of the participants even went on to speak out about their experiences and insecurities and created real change at our campuses.
While my photo displayed the words "I don't want to be normal," the meaning was much deeper than simply an urge to be different. Through this photo, I was admitting to myself and the world that I saw myself as my mental illness. Beyond that, I did not want to change my victim status. It was so much easier to blame the world for my problems than to admit I could improve myself by my own design.
Here is my Facebook status from today, with the photo from 2 years ago. Stay strong, and continue fighting. Become the best version of you.
From strength to strength,
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