Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Abortion Rights, Feminism, and Lena Dunham

Content Warning: This article discusses, in depth, my views on feminism, abortion, reproductive rights, etc. I link resources that may be triggering to some readers. Please take care of yourself first, and remember your mental health is more important than any internet article or blog post.

For those of you not as involved in the feminist scandals news cycle, there has been a recent internet outrage over some comments actress and writer Lena Dunham made on her podcast about abortion rights.

Taken out of context, the statement sounds like: "I wish I had the opportunity to have an abortion, so I can understand what it's really like."

In context, it made more sense. It was distasteful, sure, but I think it was supposed to be a joke. Or something. I am not entirely sure.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Da-Nold Trump Code

Donald Trump has been elected to the US Presidency. I've been struggling with this fact for quite a while now. How could this happen?

Deeply embedded racism? Improper polling tactics? A general frustration with the political system and a need to change it at any cost?

During my nightly knitting meditation, it came to me-- the obvious answer: this is all a conspiracy theory, encoded to hide the true answers to world peace.

Well done, illuminatti. Well done.

Obviously, this is what happened. The alt-right is at best, absurd conspiracy theorists, and in reality, white supremeicists with deep rooted hatred and xenophobia. But, by hiding under these conspiracy theories, they are conspiring to hide the true conspiracy of Donald Trump.

I have not completely cracked the code yet, but I'm getting there. Here's what I've figured out:

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Final Thoughts with Rivi

Last night, liberal Daily Show host Trevor Noah interviewed conservative Facebook personality Tomi Lahren. And it was amazing.

So I made my own response to Tomi. Check out my one and probably only "Final Thoughts with Rivi"

I'm fun guys. I'm fun.