Thursday, November 24, 2016

Freebie: Hamilton Stickers!

As many of you know I am a big fan of bullet journaling. In addition to my love of journaling, I have rediscovered the awesome fun of stickers.

My Nonny bought me a Silhouette Portrait for my going away to college gift. I used to use it mainly for creating stencils and greeting cards, but I found new uses for it with the "print and cut" feature, and I started making my own stickers.

My favorite blogger is My Planner Envy, and she is just freaking amazing with the freebies she provides. She posts pre-made cut files on her site for the average silhouette user to print and use for free. I definitely recommend checking her site out.

I posted a picture of my Thanksgiving spread in the Bullet Journal Junkies group, and I got a ton of comments about my Hamilton sticker. I have actually created three (3) 8.5 x 11 pages of Hamilton stickers, pre-set for my silhouette print and cut feature.

Hamilton Stickers (Google Drive Folder)

The designs are copyrighted by RedBubble I believe-- I just googled "Hamilton Sticker" and edited it on my silhouette studio design app. If I am breaking any copyright laws here let me know and I'll take down the freebies. But for now, please print and enjoy! I use the silhouette brand white sticker paper, and I am linking some materials below. If you click on the images it should take you to I will receive a small commission at no cost to you-- you are helping to support my writing, my crafty life, and this blog!

Happy craftsgiving!

This post contains affiliate links which means that if you click on a link/image and purchase an item through Amazon, I will make a small commission at NO extra cost to you. Thank you for helping support my writing!

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