Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I'm going to Costa Rica!!

Hi all,

Spring break is quickly approaching, and if you know me at all, you know I am not a "party hard get drunk bikini spring breaker" kind of person. That's just not me. Also, a side note, I'd sooner stay trapped on a deserted campus with my main meals being granola bars and 100 calorie pop chips than travel on those traditional college spring break WOOHOO trips.

So, I am excited to announce that I have been accepted for an alternative spring break service program in Costa Rica!

It's all very exciting, but it's also currently a whirlwind trying to get all my forms and checkups and recommendation letters in time. Shoutout to Rabbi Michael Lezak and the teacher from my preschool who were kind enough to write letters for me and oh so wonderfully prompt about it. Now, I have still to get a physical at Student health (tomorrow; fingers crossed I don't have Malaria or something!) and get a criminal background check with a local Police station. I spent this evening (along with starting this blog) catching up on all my forms and readings to prepare. 

The trip includes work with child care in Costa Rica and some intense Spanish immersion. I am very excited, because right now I currently know "Hola" (hello), "Gracias" (thank you) and "Derritos" (you're welcome) (Correction: It is *Denada-- Shayna taught it to me and I constantly mess it up...) 

I'll keep you updated as my plans get more formalized. I have received an email about a travel blog (mytripblog) that apparently I can get a free account for. It seems to have nice perks and benefits for blogging on this particular trip so I'll keep you updated regarding a travel blog. Because we all know how well I do with those...

I've gotten my placement and supervisor information via email. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get started learning Spanish...

Love always, Rivi

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