Sunday, March 15, 2015

Interning at Generation Hopeful

For those of you who are not aware, I am currently interning as an online content creator at Generation Hopeful, a website that features written pieces advocating for mental health awareness. It is run by the wonderful Jennifer Renick, and fights against the ever present stigma of mental illness.

I started with Generation Hopeful by writing a piece titled "My Therapy Experience", which detailed the story of my misdiagnosis, various therapies, and eventual recovery to the point I am at today. I loved the website and everything it stood for. It was/is the very fight I am trying to advocate for.

The head of the website, Jennifer Renick, contacted me after the piece asking if I would be interested in writing or interning with them on a regular basis. It was very exciting. We met up for an interview/coffee after Winter break and discussed my interests and what kind of work I might want to do with them. I mentioned that I love writing, so we worked together to create my official title, "Online Content Creator". I write a twice monthly series, titled "Mental Health and College," which discusses my personal experiences being at college living with mental illness as well as giving advice for any other students who may be dealing with similar struggles.

So yes, this is a no-regrets publicity piece for Generation Hopeful. I was not asked to do this; I am honestly just so excited to be interning with them. Please come check out my pieces and spread the word-- it's a wonderful website and organization! Stay tuned for my next post about Mental Health and Knitting (surprise!), which should be posted in the nest few days.

Love always, Rivi

Generation Hopeful 

Generation Hopeful Facebook Page (Please "like"!)

Generation Hopeful Twitter 

Generation Hopeful YouTube Channel

Generation Hopeful Tumblr Page

My Therapy Experience: Rivi 

Mental Health and College: Introduction

Mental Health and College: Body Positivity and Self-Love

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